ShagAndBag Somthing to think about .. sewing mail bags at wandsworth"
#ShagAndBag Somthing to think about .. sewing mail bags at wandsworth" Behind bars: 24 hours in the life of our biggest jail Behind bars: 24 hours in the life of our biggest jail Britain's prison population is at an all-time high, placing ever greater pressures on both prisoners and staff. Penal campaigners warn the system is close to crisis. But is it? Last Tuesday, The Observer gained unprecedented access to our largest prison, Wandsworth, to witness the hidden life of those behind the walls. Jamie Doward Sun 10 Sep 2006 03.43 EDT 2 6am The Prison Officer, Abu Nazir Dawn is breaking as prison officers start arriving for the day shift. Wandsworth is home to 1,456 prisoners and 750 staff, who work a series of shifts, often up to 13 hours at a time. Abu Nazir, a gentle looking Muslim officer with 15 years under his belt and a ready smile, is praised for his 'jailcraft' - an ability to stay ca...
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