
Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents Make Every Day a Path to Holiness

 Original Franciscan "Third Order"  -- Confraternity of Penitents Make Every Day a Path to Holiness   Donate Alessandro Catholic Prison Ministry The Alessandro Prison Ministry welcomes prisoners who are genuinely interested in growing deeper in their Catholic faith through study and through living a religious Rule of Life. Through the Alessandro Ministry, incarcerated men and women may enter formation in the Confraternity of Penitents, live the Rule while in  prison, and prepare to live the Rule when released. Special concessions are made for those serving life sentences. There are many groups which provide Catholic instruction, Bible Study, and fellowship to prisoners. Many Third Orders and Oblate groups also accept prisoners into membership. Because the Confraternity is much more than a Bible Study or Catholic fellowship and because its members are following a rather rigorous Rule  of ...

Living the Monastic Rhythm in Prison Oblates of St. Benedict - Living the Monastic Rhythm in Prison

 Oblates of St. Benedict – Living the Monastic Rhythm in Prison Oblates of St. Benedict - Living the Monastic Rhythm in Prison via @AnthonySLayne  By Dom Cingoranelli 5 July AD 2020 5 Comments Island, trust, grace, friends Jim Blum, a member of the Oblates of St. Benedict, began operations at My Father’s House in Denver in 2018. After serving 20 years in prison, he was blessed to go home to a welcoming family environment. The home Jim encountered in his newfound freedom was, as he says, much more than simply a physical space. His home provided him an atmosphere of love and support as he reintegrated back into society. Jim realized that not many men coming out of prison have access to this kind of concern and support to help them heal and become productive members of their community. Jim’s is a unique ministry. So is his path to joining the Oblates of St. Benedict. A Unique Path to Oblation B...

An Evolving Inquiry of Monastic Spiritual Care for Aging Inmates

 An Evolving Inquiry of Monastic Spiritual Care for Aging Inmates Alex Bishop1 and Kevin Randall2 Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer Abstract This investigation involved focus-group inquiry of the Oblates in Prison Program, a faith-based ministry founded on monastic principles in the Rule of St. Benedict. Data from a Benedictine Order monk and program coordinator, ordained prison minister, and lay ministry volunteer were collected. Participants were asked a series of questions regarding the spiritual care of aging prisoners. Responses were coded and cross-compared for thematic content. Of central thematic importance was implementation of a spiritual care model using traditional monastic rules for daily living. A second theme centered on purposeful rebuilding of self-renewal through stability and obedience. A final emergent theme encompassed institutional acceptance in the provision of religious sacraments, sacred texts, and artifacts. Results highli...

Father O’Hara reminds the inmates at MCC that the first person to whom Jesus promised eternal life

 Oblate In Prison Ministry Shares Hope Posted on December 2, 2009 Father Michael O’Hara, O.M.I. is involved in one of the most challenging of all Christian ministries.  He serves as the chaplain at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City, a federal prison that houses some of the most notorious criminals in the world. The bosses of various crime families in and around New York City have been and are incarcerated there.  Investment fraud perpetrator Bernie Madoff was an inmate for a time at MCC, sharing a cell that was smaller than the walk-in closet of his Manhattan penthouse. But despite the heinous crimes committed by some of the inmates, Fr. O’Hara’s work at the prison is much more positive than negative.  He describes his task as pre-evangelization, showing people that their lives have value even though they have been convicted of serious crimes.   Fath...

Oblates are individuals who usually live in general society yet are dedicated to God and God's service. There are currently around 70 Oblates with Ampleforth Abbey.

 Oblates are individuals who usually live in general society yet are dedicated to God and God's service. There are currently around 70 Oblates with Ampleforth Abbey. Becoming an Oblate involves making a formal commitment to applying the Rule of St Benedict in your life. They dedicate themselves to serving the poor in parishes, schools, prisons, among the youth and with those on the streets. The Oblates preach Christ to the poor and the most abandoned and have served them in Australia for more than 100 years.,St%20Benedict%20in%20your%20life. ----------------------------,for%20more%20than%20100%20years. ----------------------------------

Oblates Hope to Expand Prison Ministry

 Oblates Hope to Expand Prison Ministry Published on Wednesday 30 June 2021 UNITED STATES Originally published on By Mike Viola Consistent with a goal of empowering lives through education, Oblate School of Theology (OST) partnered with the Texas Department of Criminal  Justice, the Archdiocese of San Antonio and the Ministry of the Third Cross to offer a transformational educational experience for incarcerated individuals. “We were the first Catholic institution of higher education in Texas to offer a program of adult faith formation in a prison, and we now have  multiple places asking if they can be part of the program,” said Dr. Scott Woodward, President of OST. OST President, Scott Woodward (R) with one of the men at the facility School officials created the two-year program as a way for motivating offenders within five years of parole eligibility to reflect on and study the  faith in order to change their lives for the better, both during their in...

Former prisoner Chris Santillan describes his encounter with Jesus through the prison ministry at Potosi Correctional Center, where he was an inmate for 28 years.

 Former prisoner Chris Santillan describes his encounter with Jesus through the prison ministry at Potosi Correctional Center, where he was an inmate for 28 years. Prison ministry via @YouTube